C Program to Calculate Simple Interest

C Program to Calculate Simple Interest

·                     Write a C program to read principal amount, rate of interest and time and calculate simple interest.
·                     Wap in C to find simple interest.

Required Knowledge
·                     C printf and scanf functions
·                     C Arithmetic Operators

We will first read Principle amount, rate of interest and time using scanf function. We will use below mentioned formulae to calculate Simple Interest (SI).
·                     Simple Interest = (Principle x Rate x Time) / 100

C program to calculate simple interest
 * C program to calculate simple interest
#include <stdio.h> 
int main() { 
    float principle, rate, time, simpleInterest;   
     * Take Principle, Rate of interest and
     * Time as input from user.
    printf("Enter Principle Amount\n"); 
    scanf("%f", &principle); 
    printf("Enter Rate of Interest\n"); 
    scanf("%f", &rate); 
    printf("Enter Time of Loan\n"); 
    scanf("%f", &time); 
     * Simple Interest = (Principle X Rate X Time)/100;
    simpleInterest = (principle * rate * time)/100;  
    printf("Simple Interest = %.2f", simpleInterest); 
    return 0; 

Enter Principle Amount
Enter Rate of Interest
Enter Time of Loan
Simple Interest = 1000.00


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