WAP to input any number and check whether a Number is Positive or Negtive

C Program to Check Whether a Number is Positive or Negative
In this example, you will learn to check whether a number (entered by the user) is negative or positive.

To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of following C programming topics:
  • C Programming Operators
  • C if, if...else and Nested if...else Statement
This program takes a number from the user and checks whether that number is either positive or negative or zero.
Example #1: Check if a Number is Positive or Negative Using if...else
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    double number;

    printf("Enter a number: ");
    scanf("%lf", &number);

    if (number <= 0.0)
        if (number == 0.0)
            printf("You entered 0.");
            printf("You entered a negative number.");
        printf("You entered a positive number.");
    return 0;
You can also solve this problem using nested if else statement.
Example #2: Check if a Number is Positive or Negative Using Nested if...else
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    double number;

    printf("Enter a number: ");
    scanf("%lf", &number);

    // true if number is less than 0
    if (number < 0.0)
        printf("You entered a negative number.");

    // true if number is greater than 0
    else if ( number > 0.0)
        printf("You entered a positive number.");

    // if both test expression is evaluated to false
        printf("You entered 0.");
    return 0;
Output 1
Enter a number: 12.3
You entered a positive number.
Output 2
Enter a number: 0
You entered 0.


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