Find the Perimeter and area of a Rectangle

C Program to Find the Perimeter and Area of a Rectangle

  • Write a C program to find perimeter and area of rectangle.
  • WAP in C to find perimeter of a rectangle.

To find the perimeter and area of rectangle, we will first take length and breadth of rectangle as input from user using scanf function and then calculate area and perimeter of rectangle using following formulae.
  • Perimeter of Rectangle = 2 x (length + width)
  • Area of Rectangle = length x width

C program to find the perimeter and area of rectangle

 *  C program to find perimeter and area of Rectangle, 
 *  Given its length and Breadth
#include <stdio.h>  

int main() {  
    float length, width, area, perimeter; 
     * Take length and breadth as input from user using scanf 
    printf("Enter length of Rectangle\n");  
    scanf("%f", &length);  
    printf("Enter width of Rectangle\n");  
    scanf("%f", &width);  
    /* Perimeter of Rectangle = 2 x (length + width) */  
    perimeter = 2 * (length + width);  
    printf("Perimeter of Rectangle : %f\n", perimeter); 
    /* Area of Rectangle = length x width */  
    area = length * width;
    printf("Area of Rectangle : %f\n", area);
    return 0;  

Enter length of Rectangle
Enter width of Rectangle
Perimeter of Rectangle : 17.000000
Area of Rectangle : 17.500000


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